Heraldic hands engravings on signet rings

    There are two manners of carrying out a heraldic engraving on signet ring:
  • to seal, most widespread (95% of the Heraldic hands engravings),

  • to read (5% of the Heraldic hands engravings).

NB: If I carry out more engravings to seal than reading engravings it is than it is a reason!

The reading engraved signet ring is simply a ring.
The signet ring to seal is a ring, but becomes also a tool to create a seal with your weapons.

It is delivered you with its sealing wax carried out by me, so I prove you the exactitude of engraving.
Commercially, in the first case I deliver a reading ring, in the second case, a ring to seal with its wax seal!

Choice of the shape of your signet ring

    For choosing well the shape of the plate of your signet ring, you should make a small preliminary study of what you want to engrave.

    It is necessary for you to determine:
  • if your ecu must only be represented, the form of this one and its proportions, (if you have not the size already).

  • if this ecu must receive parts in chief , in foot, or on the sides .

  • Then, you should evaluate the shape of the drawing:
  • if it is basic square, a “cushion” signet ring is preferable.

  • if it is slightly lengthened, an “oval” signet ring or “ancient rectangle” signet ring will go better.

  • if it is long, a “lengthened oval” signet ring or “barrel” signet ring is preferable.

  • lastly your preference above all!

  • if you have an original drawing of the shape of plate to realize, send to me one sketch!